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What is Radix?

Radix is the only decentralized network where developers will be able to build quickly without the constant threat of exploits and hacks, where every improvement will get rewarded, and where scale will never be a bottleneck.


DeFi whitepaper
Economics whitepaper



  • Betanet

A temporary test network supporting an intense period of public testing ahead of launch of the first version of the Radix mainnet: Olympia. Enable community participation in testing of wallets and nodes under real-world conditions.

Decentralized network foundations with simplified unsharded Cerberus consensus, low fees, 50tps, 5sec finality time, and dPOS. Hold, transact, and stake tokens for network security and rewards using basic Olympia Radix wallet.

  • Alexandria (Q4 2021)

A new DeFi development experience with the Scrypto language and Radix Engine v2, with "component" smart contracts running in a private environment for early builds and testing. Give developers a head start on experimentation with building DeFi concepts and reusable features for Radix.

  • Babylon (2022)

An open, self-incentivizing DeFi ecosystem with Scrypto "component" smart contracts running on-network, decentralized Royalty System, and on-network Blueprint Catalogue. Open up fully featured, secure DeFi dApp ecosystem capability on Radix.

  • Xi'an (2023)

Unlimited scalability and composability to carry DeFi into the global mainstream future with sharded, linearly scalable Cerberus consensus.